The Company has a sound Quality Management System. Quality is maintained at all levels of the Organization and at all stages of the processing.
The Company has a sound documentation system which ensures that all documents are current and approved. All current and approved documents are available with the user departments. All documents are controlled.
Quality Assurance Department maintains the Quality Manual which is approved by the Managing Director. The Quality Manual consists of the Quality System Manual, Quality Procedure Manual and Quality Forms.
All the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are prepared after taking into consideration Good Irradiation Practices. These are step- by- step instructions of the procedure which has a distinctive title, document number with number of pages, current revision number and date. The SOPs are prepared by the Department Head and are approved by the Managing Director. For any change in the SOPs, Change Control Request Form is filled by the department head which is approved by Quality Assurance Officer & Managing Director.